On February 11th 2021, Olga Pawluczyk, CEO of PPO; and Casey Gallimore, Director of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs of the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) presented a webinar on detection methods for food processors.The webinar covered tools you can use to understand how different inspection systems will perform in your plant, and to make decisions about how to build an effective inspection strategy.
Olga Pawluczyk kicked off the webinar by explaining how detection works. She then explained how food processors can use detection and compares the different approaches (e.g. X-rays, metal detectors). Olga continued the presentation by explaining how PPO’s Imaging System uses hyperspectral imaging for foreign food detection and how it can be used to capture data and insights. Then, Casey Gallimore explained the meat industry’s current efforts to reduce the occurrence of foreign material in meat and poultry products.
Click below to watch a recording of the webinar. Interested in a particular speaker or topic? Here are the approximate start times for each speaker:
- What is detection? (Olga) – 3:35
- Detection Approaches in Food Processing (Olga) – 13:35
- Hyperspectral Detection using PPO’s Imaging System (Olga) – 18:43
- Software and Data Analytics Matter (Olga) – 22:37
- NAMI foreign material efforts (Casey) – 25:52