Experts Demystify Hyperspectral Imaging For Meat Processors

Experts Demystify Hyperspectral Imaging For Meat Processors Cover Photo

On June 22nd, PPO presented a webinar titled “Experts Demystify Hyperspectral Imaging For Meat Processors.” Tim Stork, Senior Solutions Engineering Manager, and Jamie Poholko, Customer Success Manager, presented this webinar.

Tim kicked off the webinar by introducing the basics of hyperspectral imaging. He then explains how PPO’s Smart Imaging System incorporates hyperspectral imaging in its inspection capabilities. Lastly, Tim details what makes PPO Smart Imaging Systems unique. Jamie concluded the webinar by recalling customer case studies and PPO’s return on investment.

Click below to watch a recording of the webinar. Interested in a particular speaker or topic? Here are the approximate start times for each speaker:

Meat Processing Industry Challenges (Tim) 4:07

PPO’s Smart Imaging Capabilities and Value (Tim) 4:32

Details of PPO’s Smart Imaging System (Tim): 14:20

Case Studies (Jamie): 17:46

Return on Investment (Jamie): 23:45

Q&A: 26:32

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