PPO Optica

PPO Chemical Imaging Systems Reducing Food Waste

Image of quote by Joel Ippolito

P&P Optica technology to drive the development of an innovative solution for grading and sorting in food processing.
P&P Optica is excited to be a central player in a Canadian collaborative targeting its efforts on the reduction of food waste in the Canadian food processing sector. This Ontario-based collaborative led by Ippolito Fruit & Produce, Riga Farms, EarthFresh Foods and Amazing Grains will leverage our innovative chemical (hyperspectral) imaging systems to, enabling a more effective inline solution for the grading and sorting of food products such as leafy greens, carrots and potatoes in-line. Other partners include Provision Coalition, who will implement a sustainability plan at Ippolito Fruit & Produce in concert with the adoption of the technology, University of Guelph who will support the project with important chemical analysis of the food product to validate the technology, and Conestoga College which will be the first pilot site before implementation at Ippolito Fruit & Produce.

We are extremely proud that news of our efforts has recently been picked up by media channels such as the Huffington Post and Food and Beverage Canada. You can read more below about how our chemical imaging systems are poised to increase efficiency in the Canadian food processing industry by combating the issue of waste.

Huffington Post  Click Here

Food and Beverage Canada Click Here